Title: Lies My Doctor Told Me Pdf Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health
Has your doctor lied to you?
Eat low-fat and high-carb, including plenty of "healthy" whole grains - does that sound familiar? Perhaps, this is what you were told at your last doctor's appointment or visit with a nutritionist, or perhaps, it is something you read online when searching for a healthy diet. And maybe, you've been misled. Dr. Ken Berry is here to dispel the myths and misinformation that have been perpetuated by the medical and food industries for decades.
This updated and expanded edition of Dr. Berry's best seller Lies My Doctor Told Me exposes the truth behind all kinds of "lies" told by well-meaning but misinformed medical practitioners. Nutritional therapy is often overlooked in medical school, and the information provided to physicians is often outdated. However, the negative consequences on your health remain the same. Advice to avoid healthy fats and stay out of the sun has been proven to be detrimental to longevity and can wreak havoc on your system.
In this audiobook, Dr. Berry will enlighten you about nutrition and life choices, their role in our health, and how to begin an educated conversation with your doctor about finding the right path for you.
This book will teach you:
- Facts doctors are taught to think about nutrition and other preventative health measures and how they should be thinking
- Story of how the food pyramid and MyPlate came into existence and why they should change
- Facts about fat intake and heart health
- Truth about the effects of whole wheat on the human body
- Role of dairy in your diet
- Truth about salt - friend or foe?
- Dangers and benefits of hormone therapy
- New information about inflammation and how it should be viewed by doctors
Come out of the darkness and let Ken Berry be your guide to optimal health and harmony!
Where is the customer service in healthcare? The book was a bit of a surprise. Dr Berry is critical of his profession, and rightly so. My family doctor passed away a few years ago. He died in a plane crash. When I was assigned a new doctor I was expecting my first visit to be a meet and greet. Sort of get to know one another type of thing. Nope, got strait to a physical with the typical clinical questions. After my second physical I stopped going. I recently went to see an eye specialist for an exam. I told him that I had Googled my symptoms and that was what prompted me to make the appointment. Fortunately there is noting wrong. When I mentioned I had used Google to get more information he got sarcastic. To paraphrase him "Oh yes, good old Dr Google." I got the impression my visit was wasting his time. Even though I was paying for the visit.I suspect healthcare will only get worse with government managing our healthcare. The incentive to help clients is overwritten by micromanaging doctors time and a complex billing system. Perhaps a copy of this book should be required reading. And we as clients should demand more.On a positive note, I like the growing trend of Doctors opting out of insurance and using the direct primary care model. I wish there were more doctors in my area adopting it.Be prepared to not put this book down! Be prepared to not put this book down once you start reading it!! I was delighted to see that Dr. Berry and I have something in common. We were both inspired by Mark Sisson's book, The Primal Blueprint. This book led me down a much better path than the one I was going down before. Albeit not a bad one, but one that needed more fine tuning and direction.I learned about Dr. Berry on the The Primal Blueprint Podcast. I really connected to what Dr. Berry had to say. When I learned of his book, the title really piqued my interest, so I immediately ordered it. This is one of those books that for most of your friends and family, they will shake their heads at you and tell you that you are crazy. Like most people, they trust their current doctor and the care they give them, which if you're lucky is about a 6-7 visit where 9 times out of 10 it ends with the doctor giving you a prescription. We have been trained by the system to feel good about getting a prescription, because it is the "only" way to better health.Dr. Berry recommends to read a lot, which is something I do regularly. I was happy to see that I have read some of the books he recommends at the end of each chapter. I very much look forward to reading some of the newer titles I have not yet heard of. I really like how he wrote the book. Each chapter starts off with the lie, why you should care, support for the lie, the research and then what you might do. He always points you in a direction to go learn more for yourself. Don't just take his word as the gospel.I highly recommend reading this book no matter where you are in your life currently. I guarantee you will learn something new that will have a positive change on your diet and/or lifestyle.
Tags: B07Y2VRMY8 pdf,Lies My Doctor Told Me pdf,Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health pdf,,Dr. Ken Berry, Geoff Sugiyama, Victory Belt Publishing,Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health,Victory Belt Publishing,B07Y2VRMY8
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